Volunteer with MLCA
“….when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in”
- Author unknown
MLCA is powered by volunteers. Everything we have accomplished to date is due to wonderful folks sharing their time and talent to support MLCA in it’s mission to support you; the IBCLCs and aspiring IBCLCs of MA.
Listed below are ways, both big and small, to get involved with MLCA.
You can also propose and help implement an idea of your own.
Our very successful Latch on to Learning forum began in just that way when MLCA member, Tamar Winter, RN, IBCLC shared her idea of a case study forum for members. What dream could you make happen with MLCA?
Check out the possibilities and complete the form below to let us know how you might get involved today.
What can you contribute to growing MLCA and keeping it strong?
Volunteer opportunities
Join a Committee - our Mentorship, Access and Member Support Committees welcome new members any time
Present a Case at our Latch on to Learning Case Study Forum
Organize a Regional Meet up for lactation colleagues
Write a guest post for our blog
create content for MLCA’s Social Media pages
Promote our Directory of IBCLCs to healthcare providers and families
Review and summarize lactation related legislation to help promote policy changes
Represent MLCA at an event
Plan an event for World Breastfeeding Week
Mentor an aspiring IBCLC
Help plan a webinar or conference to increase clinical skills while raising funds for our mentorship program
Run for a MLCA Board position - elections take place in each year in late fall for Board positions that begin in January