MLCA Lending Library
MLCA maintains a Lending Library of books, DVDs and Journals that can be loaned out to members for Exam Prep, research or general education needs.
Borrowing is suspended temporarily as we update our collection to provide current editions to our members.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Want to help update MlCA’s Lending Library?
Volunteer to catalog new editions needed
Request grant funds and solicit book donations
Suggest materials to add to our library
Donate a current edition book from our wish list below
Donate funds to MLCA to cover the cost of new editions
Thank you for supporting MLCA and our Lending Library!

MLCA Lending Library Wish List
Supporting Sucking Skills in Breastfeeding Infants, Catherine Watson Genna, 4th edition, Jones and Bartlett Learning
Breastfeeding and Human Lactation, Karen Wambach and Jan Riordan, 6th edition, Jones and Bartlett Learning
Breastfeeding Management for the Clinician, Marsha Walker, 5th edition, Jones and Bartlett
Counseling the Nursing Mother, Judith Lauwers and Anna Swisher, 7th edition, Jones and Bartlett Learning
Comprehensive Lactation Consultant Exam Review, Linda Smith, 5th edition, Jones and Bartlett Learning
Hale’s Medications and Mothers’ Milk 2023, Thomas Hale, Jr., Springer Publishing
The Breastfeeding Atlas, Barbara Wilson-Clay and Kay Hoover, 7th edition, LactNews Press
Myles Textbook for Midwives, Edited by Diane M. Fraser & Margaret A. Cooper, 17th Edition